Here are some things people have said about Bedford Street Angels
Massive thank you
We just wanted to say a massive thank you to your team for the help you gave our son last Saturday.
We are truly grateful to all the volunteers who attended to him and helped us to get him home, I dread to think what could have happened had you not been there. We thought at first that that he was drunk (which was odd as he doesn’t really drink due to the medication that he takes for a lifelong illness) but it later transpired that he had in fact been drugged via a drink or injection without his knowledge, and this, mixed with the medication, put him in a terrible state.
Your team kept him safe, helped him and helped us and we cannot adequately convey to you in words how much this meant to us as a family. The work you do is both amazing and life saving, you truly live up to your name – Angels!
Thank you again and thank you for being there to help people, who at that moment in time, cannot help themselves.
Lovely people
Hello, Hope you are well, I just wanted to send a message to thank the street angels for helping me and my dad at the weekend when he had hurt his hip and fallen in helping me to get him back to the hotel safely. I just wanted to recognise what lovely people they were and helpful at a time of need where I wouldn’t have been able to get my dad back safely without them. I’m not from Bedford but it was so nice to see a service available like that. If this could be passed on to those who came and worked on the Saturday 31st July I would be grateful.
Safer streets
Many thanks and can you congratulate your team on another excellent year. I don’t think we always understand how much safer our streets are with the Street Angels watching over some who are not always as appreciative of your efforts or aware of the risks around them. Please pass on my genuine thanks to your team and the families that support them.
Utmost respect
I can’t say thank you enough to the 3 Street Angels who helped me tonight with my friend who’d had rather too much to drink. Without their help I’m not sure I have been able to get her into a taxi without having to pay a fine (thankfully she wasn’t sick in the car on our way home). I really appreciate your help and would like to say that you do a fantastic service to those that need it. They have my upmost respect for the good that they do. She is now sleeping in my spare room which is next to my room so if she needs me I can hear her.
Fantastic job
Your team do a fantastic job, and its really nice to read that members of the public are very appreciative of your help. This certainly helps the Police and Ambulance service manage demand a little easier, which we are continually grateful for.
Lucky boy
Thank you Bedford Street Angels for watching over our son last night. He went out with friends to Bedford Empire got himself into a drunken state and became separated from his mates. He was found by a lady and the police then called us (we were scared to receive that call at 3am). He was then left in your kind hands until his dad came to collect him. We are devastated he got himself into such a state, and are disappointed also. I think he’s learnt his lesson because his bank card was taken and money has been taken out his account. Maybe next time he will think about this day and not to repeat it. We have brought him up with morals and how to behave and the do’s and dont’s of drinking but unfortunately he’s had to learn the hard way. What would we do without lovely caring people like the Bedford Street Angels. Our son is a lucky boy as his night out could have ended in disaster! Thanks again. X
God bless you
I would like to say a massive thank you to the team of three or four street angels that help look after me last night until a taxi to go to a+e came providing me with comfort of talking and reassurance when I left a night club in Bedford on the high street having problems breathing and bad cramps in my ribs, I stayed in a+e until the morning and was given the all clear by the hospital, after having developed musculoskeletal pain in my ribs, just wanted to say with out your team in town I would of been soaked by the rain in the cold and on my own until the taxi got me to hospital the work you do is amazing god bless you and the work you amazing people do x
Eternally grateful
Dear Angels. As a mother of a teenager who has started going out in Bedford in the evenings, I just want to say a huge thanks for your presence on the streets, keeping an eye out for these youngsters. My daughter has mentioned seeing you on patrol several times and it is so reassuring from my and her point of view. I’m sure it is an often thankless task and so far my daughter has not needed your help, so I’d just like to say your kindness is really appreciated! From a concerned mum who doesn’t want to clip her daughter’s wings as she grows up, but is eternally grateful to you Street Angels and all you do!
Care and assistance
I would just like to thank you for giving your care and assistance to my Grandson William last night in Mill Street. He was taken home safely and is OK but rightly embarrassed for the problem he caused. Once again, thank you.
Tragic story
Dear Angels, I heard the tragic story of Robert this week on local media. It moved me to tears. Its extremely upsetting and difficult to understand how people could have behaved in such a way toward another human being (Robert). There is no understanding of such actions.
I wanted to write in support of you and let you know I applaud the positive action born from the event of Robert’s passing.
It is truly wonderful to hear of you helping other youngsters in the same circumstances. As a mother I realise how I worry when my own children (17 and 19) are out of an evening. They are all kids finding their way in what can be a dangerous world. The fact that you have replaced evil with love and compassion is amazing.
People who genuinely care
I would like to thank you and the whole team we spent the night out with on Saturday 28th January. I know both Katie and I were amazed at the amount of incidents you get called to and those that you find. On the night one young man even said “I never realised that there were still people who genuinely cared about others”. This is a huge testament to the work that all the Street Angels do and the kind and caring nature with which you do it. I spent the night using social media making others aware of exactly what you do from dealing with incapable youths, providing water, flip flops and carrying battery packs to top peoples phones up with, ensuring those who are vulnerable get home safely and even giving warm drinks to those living on the streets.
I would like to thank you all again for a having both Katie and I and for giving us the opportunity to work with such a kind and dedicated team of volunteers.
You were there for him
I just wanted to write and pass on my thanks, if you would, to a woman from Bedford Street Angels who phoned and left a message on my answerphone at 3.00am on Saturday morning. She and another person were looking after my son who was very much the worse for wear from drinking and had been sick and had no way of getting home.
It was quite a surprise to get the call and I didn’t say thank you to her and her colleague. Now I have had a chance to look your organisation up on the internet I just wanted to say how very grateful I am that you were there for him at a time when he very clearly needed some loving care and help and support and to thank you for the very valuable service that you are providing
Great work

You do great work.
I know that from both a Cllr and reveller perspective.
Keep it up.

As part of the Best Bar None Awards scheme we have decided to award to Bedford Street Angels an Outstanding Contribution Award. The award is sponsored by FJF Licensing who have provided the sum of £150 as a monetary sum to accompany the award.
The Awards Evening was last night and Fran and Fred Gill were invited to attend. It came as a pleasant shock as we asked them to accept the award on behalf of the Street Angels. I hope we haven’t breached any protocol and the assembled attendees at the event felt the award was well deserved and wanted their appreciation to be passed on.
Support and admiration
I am pleased to pass on my support and admiration to the Bedford Street Angels. Having seen their work first-hand I am clear that they make a real difference on our streets by supporting vulnerable people and making sure they stay safe, and providing an additional response that works closely with the other partners in the late night economy such as the police, ambulance service, taxi marshals and door supervisors.
I was also struck with just how well received the Street Angels are and how much of a reassurance they provide to the public on a night out. Many thanks to all your volunteers and supporters, and long may you continue.
Violent unprovoked attack
My daughter suffered a violent unprovoked attack in Bedford whilst waiting for a taxi. The incident was witnessed by two young male Bedford Angels who speed dialed the police requesting that they attend the incident. Whilst waiting for the police they took care of my daughter who was drifting in and out of consciousness by wrapping her in a foil blanket and prevented the attacker causing further damage to her although one of them took a punch while doing so.
They also attended the court hearing … as witnesses for the prosecution which hopefully will result in the offending party to be charged with the assult. I am extremely grateful to them for all that they did and I am in complete admiration of the organization who do this every week with no monetary gain, just to try to make Bedford a safer place.
I and my family, especially my daughter, who was the victim can’t thank you enough … The horror I felt that a young woman could inflict such dreadful injuries and pain on a totally unsuspecting and unknown victim for no apparent reason, well I’m sure you can imagine, but when we attended the court and I met the two Angels my faith in humanity was totally restored. I think that what you do is amazing and when I was told why the organization was set up in the first place.
I had heard of that in incident when it happened and having a son and daughter who were at school and socialized in Bedford it has continued to haunt me ever since …
I was in a state
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for lending a hand and giving me some flip flops the other night on my 18th birthday! I wasn’t allowed into a club as I was too drunk, and the bouncers wouldn’t let me get my friends out, so I got seperating from them and found myself on my own on the streets of Bedford…I was in a state, and you guys helped out.
So thank you, what you guys do is amazing! If only the rest of Bedford could be more like you!
You guys helped me a lot
Hello, Just wanted to say thank you very much for your help last night, I don’t really have much of a memory of what happened, but I do remember how all of you guys helped me, alot. And I can’t express how thankful I am, you are all so lovely and now I have aspirations to be a Street Angel too! How do I go about this :)?
Big thanx
Hi – Just wanted to say a big thanx for getting my son in a taxi and getting him home safe last night.
The kindest people
Hello, on the night/very early morning of January the 29th/30th myself and four friends found ourselves to be very VERY cold killing an hour waiting for a taxi. Along came four of five very cosily dressed people, who were very friendly and were just having a chat with us. They told us they were the Bedford Street Angels. We were given flip flops (as inappropriate shoe choice had been discarded), scarves, hats and gloves. We cannot thank enough their kindness and generosity. By far the kindest people I have met, trying to help others on a saturday night. Thank you so much Bedford Street Angels, the time you give up to help other people has truly warmed all of our hearts.
I love my hat
Dear Bedford Street Angels, would really like to say the biggest thank you to your team for helping my friends and I in Bedford last night. You really aided in keeping us warm and in less pain from our crippling shoes! And I LOVE my hat!! I completely can’t express my thanks, you’re a very special team of people and you should be widely recognised for your work.
Also, my flip flops rescued my feet and I’m pretty sure they will be rescuing be feet when I’m on holiday!
Thank you very very much. God Bless.
Just wonderful
I would like to thank the two street angels that stood with me last night while I was waiting to be picked up from work. What you guys do is just wonderful.
Thank you to all the street angels that take their time to protect other people in need.
Thanks for the flip flops
Would like to thank the Bedford angels for the flip flop’s you gave to me and my friend on her hen night! Thanks again !
You helped out my mate
You helped out my mate saturday night by De-ientes dentist near Lidl, we were a group of lads in dinner suits – just wanted to say thank you very much
Bold, sensible, creative and necessary
This is a fantastic initiative and one that will be welcomed wholeheartedly by parents of teenagers from across Bedfordshire. Those of us who know the family of Robert Gill who tragically lost his life on Boxing Day 2007 will know that the danger on the streets is a reality which none of us ever want to see happen again. The Street Angels initiative is bold, sensible, creative and necessary and I wish them every success. I also look forward to helping and giving my own time to support out on the streets.
Keep up the good work
I was absolutely delighted to have joined the Bedford Street Angels, another positive example of volunteers from local churches seeking to serve our community. I believe the project can build upon the successes which it has already achieved since its foundation in February 2009 and encourage them to keep up the good work!
Welcome and valuable
I believe that the Bedford Street Angels provide a welcome and valuable service to the Young People of Bedford, particularly at times when they are at their most vulnerable.
It is an initiative that the Bedford Borough Partnership is very happy to support, and wish the Bedford Street Angels every success for the future.
Enthusiasm and commitment
Bedford Street Angels have been a welcomed addition to the town centre on Saturday nights. The enthusiasm and commitment of the Street Angels compliments the actions already undertaken by the various partners involved in the Bed:Safe initiative and I look forward to seeing this work progress further to make Bedford an even safer place.
I congratulate all concerned in ensuring the BSA service continues to be provided by the volunteers – the service is truly excellent, and positive feedback is the only feedback which is ever received.
Safer night out
I would like to pass on my appreciation to all the volunteers who have spent their free time on helping make Bedford a safer night out. Just seeing you guys out there does make a real difference and the perception (even though its very dark due to several street lights not working) that someone is there if or when needed.
On one occasion a Street Angel even walked a friend of mine all the way home to the far end of London Road after a domestic with her then partner! Many thanks to everyone involved in making this invaluable scheme possible.
A safe and welcoming town
The University of Bedfordshire very much appreciates the work that Bedford Street Angels do to help vulnerable people in Bedford town centre, particularly the young and the many living away from home during weekend nights and all the work they do to make Bedford a safe and welcoming town.
People of God on the Streets

It is extraordinary to believe that you are celebrating your first full year of service – congratulations. Seeing you the other day at committee level underlined the commitment and sacrifice of those God has called to the Street Angel team in Bedford. Each and every one of you is hand picked and chosen by God for this service. Your faithfulness and commitment should be recognised in this way tonight. Each of you is so special – you are the true VIP’s.
Watford Street Angels send their prayers for a long and continued presence of the people of God on the Streets of Bedford changing the lives of those they meet. Many blessings and hang onto God in all things.
Avoiding tragedy
I came across the Bedford Street Angels for the first time on the 5th September this year when members of the Licensing Committee had a visit to Bedford Town Centre to view the Night-time economy in action. I was very impressed with them and could see immediately what a difference they could potentially make in avoiding tragedy. I believe that there is a tremendous value in working with other agencies and the Bedford Street Angels are a good example of this. I wish them every success in all they are doing. Keep up the good work!
I take my hat off to them
Following the tragic death of Robert Gill we were all made aware that people visiting our pubs and clubs could become separated from their friends and be extremely vulnerable. Initially when I heard about the plan I was very sceptical and thought it was about converting people. How wrong was I, the angels offer that additional safe guard and I take my hat off to them. Would any of us give up our free time to do what they do? At some point all of us have someone we love and care about in the pubs and clubs in Town and this additional safe guard is a fantastic achievement.
Delighted to commend
Up and down the country Street Angels and Street Pastors are making a significant and valuable contribution. Their work means that our towns are safer places, not least for those people who find they need support and a helping hand. I am delighted to commend the work of the Bedford Street Angels.
Well done
Since launching in Halifax in November 2005, Street Angels has gone on to make a massive impact in towns and cities across the UK. As volunteers hit the streets, with or without wings, thousands are helped and crime rates are reduced. Well done to the amazing team of volunteers in Bedford who commit each Saturday night to making a difference – your practical actions really are helping show God’s Kingdom as a reality for your town – long may it last!
Valued partners
The Bedford Street Angels are a wonderful group of people who really do make a difference on our streets during challenging weekend nights. These committed volunteers are valued partners of Bedfordshire Police and they play an important part in making visitors to Bedford Town Centre feel safer and better able to enjoy socialising in the town.
The Street Angels are a reassuring presence on our streets and we shall continue to work in close partnership with them to improve community safety for all.
Having been an officer in Bedfordshire police for nearly 10 years, I was aware of the street angels but only dealt with them every 5th week when I was on town centre duties. Now being the Licensing and Night-time Economy Sgt, I deal with the Street Angels on a weekly basis between meeting them out on patrol and also in meetings with Adam. Being responsible for the Night-time economy in Bedford, I was impressed with them and could see immediately what a difference they could make in Bedford town centre.
The work that the Street Angels do allows the police in the town centre to continue with their primary objective. I am pleased to say that the street angels are also working with the police to start a Bed Safe Space venue in Bedford and hope the new formed partnership remains. Keep up the good work!
Very positive
The response of Bedford Street Angels has been very positive and it is clear that they form an additional and beneficial response team for some of the ‘lower level’ incidents that frequently occur on street. Bedford’s Street Angel’s work effectively as an appropriate form of response within the late night economy partnership, and from my CCTV perspective I see this work as very valuable and hope that it continues for the long term.